Brownstoner | Forum: Termite fun

Posted by jr | 10/17/2009 11:02:00 PM | 0 comments »

I called Terminex before for a small termite issue I had and their package sounded like a scam. I also read several negative opinions on them and their packages. I went with a local pest control business which offered 1 or 2 years
A termite infestation can turn your once beautiful home into a weakened mess rapidly in the arid climate of Phoenix. Because of the warm weather, termites are found here, but it is possible to achieve termite control.
Termite | Termites | Termites Group of Eusocial Insects | Termites | Termites | Group of Eusocial Insects | Hymenoptera | Eusocial Insects | White Ants For.