What do you think How it works too "The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation's counter-terrorism chief, Dale Watson, he says Osama thinks bin Laden is" probably "dead. It is intended to become public for the first time a senior U.S. law enforcement officials offered an opinion on whether Bin Laden , the main suspects believed to be behind attacks September 11, dead or alive. "Is (Bin Laden) lives or is he dead" Mr Watson said. "I'mot really sure of the answer Personally, We think he is probablyot among us, but We haveo evidence that their support. "The comments, made at a conference of law enforcement agencies in Washington on Wednesday, follow recent statements by both editor of an Arabicewspaper and the head of the German foreign intelligence that Bin Laden is still al

If he is dead, Good Riddance Ifot, please find someone to shoot him and then smack him bejeezus out of him in the head, please
Am We the only one who would be happy if this were so
Am We the only one who would be happy if this were so